Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday Learning from Home

A daffodil ready to wake up to spring
Purple crocuses - a first sign of spring

Spring is in the air and signs of spring are all around us- tiny shoots and colorful flowers are popping up amidst the dry leaves, robins have migrated back, the air is a bit warmer, and the peepers are out every night singing their song. An important part of spring is rain! Today you will read about how rain is formed in clouds, how it helps by filling up rivers and lakes, and how all living things need rain to survive. In the fiction book you will imagine how delightful it feels to run outside in the rain on a sweltering hot day. I think you will especially enjoy the video with this lesson. We all had rain around here yesterday, and that's a good thing for all growing things, especially in spring! I assigned books about spring for you in Epic. Happy reading!

Your math links today include activities with printable pages from our math program reviewing 3D shapes. An assigned video on Epic is the 3 D song we have sung and practiced in school- I am sure you can belt it out at home! Check out this picture of a few shapes. Can you play, Which Does Not Belong? 
Which doesn't belong?

Maybe the circle doesn't belong since it is the only one with curved sides. Or could it be the triangle, the only one with 3 points? Can you think of a reason the rectangle at the top doesn't belong? 

Here is another math thinking game. It's called How Many? Look at the next photo. I will tell you that I see 29 of something. Hmmm what do you think I counted? Or I see 31 of something. What did I count? What can you count? Tell someone your mystery number and let them figure it out!

How Many?

Finally today, you will read an inspiring story about a true American gymnast who showed perseverance to become the best gymnast she could be. I bet you are showing perseverance at home when you do your school work even though we are not in school! There are many people showing perseverance lately- that is one trait that is very important to nurture.

Have a wonderful day,
Mrs. Dagley