Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Remote learning- Which is Different?

Which one doesn't belong?

A great (and fun!) math activity is closely observing similar items and determining which one does not belong with the others. There are several choices and answers and often someone could make a case for any one of the choices. Take a look at the potato heads- I see several reasons the nurse is not the same, a reason the first one does not belong, a reason the last one doesn't belong.... If you want to email the choices your child came up with, I will include them on the next blog!

Here is one more:
Which one does not belong and why?
Brought to you from our huge collection of Pez containers. I can make a case for each one of these not to belong- can you?! All I know is, my boys may be grown, but saving their toys has now been validated!

I saw one of these last week!
When you go on a nature walk after watching the Mystery Doug Mystery, look for birds and listen for some rat-a-tat-tats! I was lucky to spot this woodpecker tapping loudly on a dead tree. His beak is perfect for getting those insects out of dead trees or pecking to make a nest- it's long, sharp, and strong!

Chickadees also have a distinctive call- I see them at the bird feeder all the time. Their beak is tiny and just right for collecting seeds (did you know they get 80,000 seeds in fall and store them for winter?!).
The duck has wide, flat, long beak, perfect for dipping into the water for a snack! Have fun being a scientist today noticing their beaks                                                                                               when you go on your walk. 

Our state bird!

Ducks have a very different beak!
Meanwhile here are a few activities the kids have been up to:
Alvin has been drawing, and someone saved a itty bit of snow!
Nice artistic work!

Look at that teeny, tiny snowman!
Looks like he was loving the Zoom time!
Look who wrote a personal narrative about an eye infection!
 James H. typed a personal narrative too, about his visit to the beach! Nice work, James! He also answered the questions on the Friday blog about the Continent link on Epic. I know you all have been working so hard! I am completely impressed by all the work on Epic and Freckle too! I hope you are enjoying the other links in the daily assignments. 

Be sure to check the tabs at the top- I added the new sight words of the week and the word work words too that used to go home with your homework.

Thank you for all your hard work!!
Mrs. Dagley

Personal narrative: by James H.
Intro: last sonday my family went to a far beach

The first beach was freezing and my hands felt like they were two blocks of ice and we stayed for two minutes! Then we drove to a difrint beach because the first beach was to cold .I tried to throw a rock as far as my brother but I didn’t succeed and my sister an my brother raced on a huge rockwall an I won. Winer winer chikin diner! I found a huge rock in the ground! the rock was ten inches! I tried and tried and tried to pull out the ten inch rock to bring home  but I didn’t succeed!
Closing: it was  a fun day!I hope that we go back to the same exact beach so I can get that rock!