Friday, March 20, 2020

Learning at home...

Hi everyone! Miss you!

Hello to all my first graders- I can't believe we are all in our homes and not in school! Not to worry! We will be in touch by email beginning Monday, March 23. I will send you activities and links to books and learning that you can work on from home. It's important to keep your reading, writing, and math skills sharp!

We will be working on How-To writing, identifying features of text in non fiction books that you will read, telling time, solving addition and subtraction problems with unknowns in different positions, and identifying 3 D shapes in math. Geography will be a focus in social studies. I know you know the Continent song! Here is a closer look (and a sneak peek!) at science topics.
Animals. We will learn how their body structures (parts) are unique and specially suited to their survival needs. Take a look at this little toad that was on my house once. Those sticky pads on its toes are the reason it can climb and cling to all sorts of surfaces. It might even help him reach the little moth which was also on my house (I hope not!)

Super toes!!
Pretty little moth
I bet landing on a light gray house helped this moth blend in (camouflage!). We will learn about 
classifying animals too. Which animals
have fur, feathers, or scales? Which 
are mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, or amphibians?

Parents and their offspring and life cycles of animals will also be fun to explore.
 Take a look at these beaks- all very different from each other but perfectly suited for the kind of food they eat and for their habitats!
Short, sharp beak- watch out mice!
We loved Puffins!

A very long beak!

A beak for clams and fish
 Two of these birds are from a museum but the other two I saw outdoors. All four have feathers (that's the common feature to all birds), yet they live in very different places and have very different beaks, feet, and wings. 

Be sure to check in each day on the emails. Check out this blog too. We will continue to add our new words of the week. It's sad not having your pictures on here like we usually do, but who knows? Maybe you will take a picture of something these next weeks to share!

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Dagley