Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday (dare I say April Fool's Day?) home learning

City/urban- Florence Italy

 Today after watching the video on the scholastic site, you will learn about the different types of communities that people live in. Many people live in cities- an urban environment, many live in smaller towns- suburban environments, and some live out in the countryside- a rural environment. Often there are farms in rural areas, and you will read about one today. Think about the different places you have lived or visited. Have you been to our own capital city of Boston? Remember when we made our model of the world, continents, countries, states, city/towns, neighborhoods? Today you are focusing in on the city/town parts of the world.
Countryside/rural- P.E.I.

Town/suburban- Rockport
In our math links today, you will watch a video on missing parts and have a chance to solve some problems of your own using tape diagrams. This is an important skill to practice, and I know you will do a great job! Did you know on our Freckle account, our class answered 600 math fact practice questions and 420 other types of math questions? WOW!! You have been hard at work! 

Our phonics/word study link today will bring you to Freckle (where our class read 21 articles and stories last week!). Today you will look under the teacher tab to do some word study work. 

Speaking of awesome work, our class has read 344 books on Epic since we started remote learning!  

Do you want to know a wacky Wednesday fact?! Look below at this kangaroo! 

kangaroos can not walk backwards and 50 other random facts you didn't know

It's so hard not to be in class together, but you are showing how much you love learning and I am very proud of you all! For those of you with younger brothers and sisters, I bet your family is grateful that you are helping to keep the little ones entertained. Look at our friend here so cozy with her little sister!
Aww, so very cute and lots of love!!
Take pity on your parents today and don't April Fool's them 24/7!! (A few jokes might be fun!!) 
Be a math expert today!

Mrs. Dagley