Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Home learning

Atlantic ocean
Aren't we lucky to live within driving distance to an ocean? Such a vast body of water teaming with a huge variety of sea life and so much fun to swim, fish, go boating and body surf in! Today in social studies you will read an assigned book in Epic! called Counting Continents. There is also a mini video on Epic! called Seven Continents. You might be surprised to hear Australia being called Oceania - that's because the islands near Australia are considered part of that region. 

After watching the Brainpop Jr. video on continents and oceans see if you know the answers to these questions: What is the largest continent and what is the smallest? 
                  Which continent are glaciers in?
                  Which continent has the longest river in the world and the largest desert?
                  Which continent is the Amazon Rain Forest in?
                   Do you know what the equator is and what temperatures are like near the equator?

Today when you write a personal narrative, remember to include an introduction, details, and a closing. Here is an example of something that happened this week to me: 

The owl I did not see
Intro: One early spring day, I heard a whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo out my window. 

Details: I looked high into the trees to see if I could spot where the sound was coming from. It sounded exactly the way I thought an owl should sound, and I really wanted to get a glimpse. I hear that owl every single morning and it sounds so close! Why can't I see it? Finally I gave up and went about my day. When I checked my phone I saw an app that lets you hear the sound of whatever bird you click on. I immediately clicked on the owl pictures, but their sounds were much more screechy. Then I tried other birds just to listen to their bird songs. Unbelievably the Mourning Dove bird made the EXACT same sound that I hear every morning! I do see Mourning Doves beneath my bird feeder so I know what they look like. Could that whoo, whoo really be a Mourning dove? Later when I talked to my friend, she confirmed that the sound I hear in the morning really isn't an owl- it's a Mourning Dove! 

Closing: Wow, I really learned something new today! I guess I'll have to wait a little longer to spot an owl!
The Mourning Dove I heard
So that's my whole story - I know you have something to tell too! I'd love to read it when you finish! Please save any writing from now on.

Happy writing,
Mrs. Dagley