Saturday, March 7, 2020

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Listen to us read!
What a great time in the school year to celebrate Dr. Seuss' contribution to children's reading! So many of his books are accessible to the reading levels of first graders, and this week the kids have been on a marathon of reading Seuss books. We also read aloud one of his longer books- Bartholomew and the Oobleck. In that story, something green and gooey falls from the sky - oobleck, so we thought we'd make some ourselves using cornstarch, food coloring, and water. What fun to immerse little hands in the slippery, drippy, yet also dryish goo! The kids asked for the recipe, which I sent home but I'd suggest halving it (if you do try it out, despite the messy factor!).
Ahhh the gooey oobleck!

Lovin' the texture!

Watch it slowly drip!
Yes! I want more!
Leading in Dr. Seuss rhymes
We concluded our mini focus on penguins this week, finishing and reading our Lap Books- hope you had fun sharing the contents with your child at home! This week, everyone chose a favorite penguin to research and write about. Little Blue was a favorite- only 16 inches tall, blueish feathers, and living in Southern Australia. The Emperor Penguin was also popular, being the tallest, living in Antarctica, and having an orange patch on its neck. Other choices were the King Penguin, Macaroni Penguin (with the funny hairdo), and a couple of others. We also measured and compared heights of penguins to ourselves!

Taller or the same as Emperor?
I'm the size of the Emperor!
Little Blue Penguin researchers
Macaroni team researchers
What did you learn about the Emperor?
Recording penguin facts

Our penguin Lap Books!
Sharing Lap Book info
Mini tube penguins
 Social Studies had lots of hands-on activity this week as we began assembling our paper bag building town. Everyone painted a paper bag house and a bag for a place in Tyngsboro including the school, Sullivan's, Max's Golf, the police and fire station, library, Dunkin' Donuts, AMC, The Dollar Tree, and several of our restaurants. After painting, we decorated with paper windows, doors, and signs. The last and final step will be to arrange all the buildings and roads, river, and bridge in a large floor map of our town.
Let's paint our bags!

What color are you choosing?
I'm painting the school!

Let's get started!

Decorating with windows and doors

I love my paper bag house!
Ready to make our town!
Social Studies video to inspire our project
Math activities have moved on to learning about 3 D shapes. We've had some great online songs to help learn their names and have seen real life photos of buildings and items that are examples of spheres, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, cubes, cylinders, and cones. Exploring wooden blocks, hunting for real life items in the dictionaries that represent the shapes, drawing them in 3D, and completing compare and contrast papers have helped us identify their attributes. New vocabulary consists of 'faces' (flat surfaces), 'edges', and 'vertex' (point or corner). 

Here we are in a few language arts activities: 
Sorting by color

Sharing poetry

We had a very happy birthday girl this week- happy birthday to Anisha!
We enjoyed a STRIPES assembly about perseverance and read the book Rescue and Jessica, A Life Saving Friendship in preparation for our author visit on Monday.
Practicing words
Enjoy the sunshine and have a nice weekend!
Mrs.  Dagley