Friday, April 10, 2020

We are Big Kids now!

Once Upon A Time...
School has been given a whole new identity with our current online learning model. This little toy classroom is not what we are experiencing now! Instead this is the new student of 2020:

Remote learning
On my own!

Thank you everyone!

This past week has introduced new learning platforms such as Google Classroom,  Google Meet, and links to everything under the sun. The tangled web of logging on, getting connected, and navigating the sites has presented a fair amount of challenges for everyone, myself included! I personally want to thank every one of the kids and every one of the parents for all the hard work and engagement with the learning content. It must be a logistical nightmare if you are trying to work at home and also juggle your children's online Meetings and classwork. I do appreciate your efforts! 
Chalk message!
Fun family time
Science lesson; A camouflaged octopus
Everyone who has had a chance to meet online as a class has really loved seeing their classmates and listening to them as we practice words, sing, listen to read-alouds, and share our writing. It has been a nice way to connect with friends and keep our first grade classroom unity!

Our class online meetings are Mon.-Fri. at 10:30 AM. The link to join is posted on our google classroom each morning. 
We did just find out that the specialists have their meeting for 1st graders every Monday from 9-10, so the 1st grade teachers will make our own Monday meet an informal chance to pop in if you have a question, need help, or want to chat with us. This might allow the chance to attend the specialist meet without spending 2 hours on meets! Tues. -Fri. will follow our typical class meet routines.

Although most google classroom work has been submitted through google classroom, some assignments involved drawing. One was related to learning about animal parents and their young, and changes that occur as a baby animals grows. The kids drew themselves as a baby, child, and what they thought they'd look like as an adult. Take a look:

Look how I've grown
Ivy claims she will still have blue eyes but will cut her long hair when she is an adult. Gwen thinks her blonde hair will become light brown!
Lots of changes

                                                    James predicts he will be 6 ft tall and that he will like looking at things high up!
Look at those muscles!
Nice work everyone on Google classroom for the math pages of telling time and identifying attributes of 3-D shapes. Our online sites of Freckle and Epic have been getting a lot of use- somehow our class has read or listened to 616 books so far- wow! Book and video topics have had links to our social studies focus on land forms, continents, and maps, and science books and videos have focused on animal camouflage and habitats. Freckle math practice and ELA activities are zooming along as well. I love reading your writing turned in on google classroom. We now have a tab where some of the samples are there for you to enjoy. It's been fun to comment on your work and to receive your comments too! Please email if there are any questions or drop in on the Monday informal Q&A Meeting. Any feedback or suggestions are always welcome! Enjoy your weekend! Mrs. Dagley