Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Fun!

So pretty!

Look at these beautiful robin's eggs!! Spring time surrounds us with new life- baby birds and animals are born, new flowers and greener grass spring up, and insects of all kinds follow soon after. I hope this weekend you have a chance to explore the outdoors. Look for signs of spring, for birds that are returning, for frogs, worms, and little critters. Have you seen a chipmunk yet? 

It's been a busy week and I am proud of all the time and energy you have spent on learning. Next week we will log on to our new Google Classroom to see assignments and check in with each other. I will make sure you have your log in information, class code, and password. We will also have a daily virtual meeting, tentatively at 10:30 each day but more information will follow. 

Once we are in google classroom, it will be easier to upload some of the hard work you are doing or to answer questions or math problems on that site as well. Save your How-To writing that you are finishing today- I'd love to read about what you are an expert in!

Try playing 'How Many?' with the lizard key chains below.

How Many?
I see 24 of something- can you guess? I also see 16 of something else. What do you think I was counting? How many of something do you see?!

Which one doesn't belong?
Here's another observational challenge: Which one doesn't belong? All of these figures are from Toy Story. Maybe the dog doesn't belong because it's the only one that is an animal? Which one would you choose not to belong, and why? 

Have you seen the video of all of the teachers? 
You can see how much we miss talking 
with you and teaching you!
Finally here is a picture when we were in school!

Love all around!

Have a fun Friday and a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Dagley