Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

Tiny Mother's Day purse cards
Children love to give gifts and Mother's Day is the perfect chance to show their love. They made little cards that look like a purse and especially loved the pearl handles! They also brought home a marigold pot with colored tissue paper to give. I told them it was fine to give it early because the flower was in a ziploc bag and needed air, but if you haven't seen it yet you may have to check.  I overheard someone say they were going to hide it under their bed until Sunday...not sure the flower will survive that!
Ready to go!
Place it carefully in the pot!
Just a bit more soil
Gently, gently

She's going to like thi 

Decorating the cards
The perfect card!
 Fairy tales continue to entrance as we sing fairy tale poems, 
read fairy tale books, learn about life in castle times, and begin 
practice for Reader's Theater fairy tales. This week we read
Thumbelina, Jack and the Beanstalk, Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty,
and King Midas and the Golden Touch. 
Our read -alouds this week!

Watercolor paints made an appearance again as we painted and then labeled a castle. We learned the parts of a castle: moat, battlements, arrow loops, dungeon, portcullis, and castle keep.
We love painting!
It will look great!
Artists at work
On Friday we got out more paints to begin making our castles from tissue boxes. We have added towers and painted the boxes for the first step. They will dry over the weekend and then we will add all the paper features of doors, windows, drawbridges,  and battlements. 

We are off for the letter!
The 'horses' and this time around a 'unicorn' were back for riding as the kids rode off to get a mystery fairy tale letter to read to the class. Then the guessing begins of which fairy tale character the letter is 
Preparing to ride past dragons!

 During our language arts centers this week, 
we listened to a folktale (usually stories
based on animals such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Billy Goats Gruff...), searched around the room for r-controlled words to sort, and highlighted sight words and spelling patterns within words. Our spelling center even used tiny Cinderella glass slippers and swans from The Ugly Duckling to guess the missing word in a fairy tale riddle, and spell it!
Finding words with 'Bossy R' 

Computer center

Spelling center 

In math we continue to identify attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes and compose and decompose shapes using a combination of smaller shapes. 
Social studies focused on maps - learning about a map key, reading Me on the Map to see our place in the world from neighborhood to town to country to continents to world! We used graph paper to draw maps and are working on a map booklet in school. 
Our painted & labeled castles
There will be no school Tuesday for students (Professional Development day) but it might be a good chance to work on the Distance Learning packet. 

Have a wonderful Mother's Day,
Mrs. Dagley