Saturday, May 25, 2019

Blast off to the moon!

Our Phases of the Moon project!

Learning about our closest neighbor in space has been very engaging. We've learned that the moon's phases follow a pattern much like seasons and night and day do. This weekend could be the perfect time to look skyward and see which phase the moon is in and how bright it looks from the sun's light reflecting on it. We have read about the features of the moon - very little gravity, no wind, water, air, or sound, and its composition- rocks, craters, and dust. We also watched videos of the Apollo 11 exciting first flight with Neil Armstrong's famous quote: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." The kids also liked, "The Eagle has landed!" 
Reading about the moon!
Highlighting important info in our reading
Reading and discussing facts about the moon
 We each have a booklet of short readings about the moon that we are reading with a buddy, discussing, and then choosing which information to highlight. Its a great comprehension activity, and it is so exciting that their reading skills are up to the task- so much growth in first grade!

Next week we will learn about the sun, and then wrap up with stars and constellations.

Our fairy tale literature genre continues to captivate. This week we read Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. The kids were involved in a final project of working in groups to create a poster for a fairy tale that we have read. Each poster included the features of fairy tales and illustrations that the kids worked together to plan and create. Presenting them was lots of fun - they are now on display in the hall!
Making our fairy tale poster
Decision making for the layout
We are naming the characters and illustrating

Shall we place this paper here?

Recording and illustrating

The presentations involved each team member presenting a part of their poster and explaining what they chose to include.
Rumpelstiltskin presented!
Young Arthur displayed
Puss In Boots team

Jack and the Beanstalk group

Tom Thumb presenters

Snow White partners
Congratulations to great collaboration - everyone worked together so well and made decisions about their posters as a group!

Our final fairy tale riders went off to get the letters from fairy tale characters this week:
We are off to race like the wind!
Ready to ride!
Solo knight
Our final Reader's Theater Plays were also presented. We even had our Guidance teacher take the part of Baby Bear in Goldilocks and the Three Bears!
Queen of the Forest
Goldilocks and the Three Bears

A two person skit from Cinderella
 Phonics work has been focused on decoding longer words by dividing the word into parts and separating between two consonants. We also introduced homophones - words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. We read two texts with these fun play on words and chose a pair of words to illustrate.
Our homophone illustrations

Two fun texts
We concluded our math topic on fractions by taking a look at symmetry when learning about equal parts. They made symmetrical bear faces and had fun with a game during math called Symmetrics.

Coins are our next focus so break out the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters at home!

We wished a double birthday to Hayden and Harrison this week who have a birthday today. Happy birthday twins!

Thank you for returning the Distance Learning packet - this took the place of the no school day on Election Day in May. 

Field Day is this coming Friday, May 31 - I sent home a note as  reminder to come with a water bottle, sunscreen (applied or brought), and sneakers for all the field events. Yellow is our class color. I have 3 yellow T-shirts to give anyone who doesn't have that color at home.

Celebration of Learning is on May 5th. The gym is open from 3:00 to 6:00 to view displays from each grade. First graders have an optional opportunity to sing a few songs they have learned in Music. If they choose to participate, they should meet in the downstairs library at 6:00 and will go on stage at 6:15. A note from the music teacher went home Friday.

This is such a busy time of year with lots of spring events, recitals and sports, and a busy learning time in school and yet... the pull of summer is calling everyone, as I saw when trying to take 'serious' photos for their cover of writing for Celebration of Learning!
It's good to laugh!
Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend as we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and as we also enjoy some family time, cookouts, and outdoor fun!

Mrs. Dagley