Saturday, March 23, 2019

Westward Bound!

Our Gold Rush newspapers are fresh off the press!

With all the people that flocked to CA after the gold rush, there was a need for a quicker way to get mail delivered out west. Mail by stagecoach or ship could take a month or more and so...the Pony Express was created! The kids have loved our poems, books, and songs about the young teenage boys who risked their lives to race across the west and back through blizzards, canyons, mountains, and dangers. Each day our line leaders go off on their own ride to pick up and deliver a letter from pioneers, gold seekers, trail guides, and others. Take a look!
Off to get the mail!

We ride through any danger!
You can count on us!

We're ready to ride!
We are brave riders!
 Learning about the Pony Express riders gave us another opportunity to discuss character traits, in this case bravery, courage, responsibility, perseverance, and independence. We read two books about the Pony Express and their record breaking delivery time of only 10 days, and loved the illustrations depicting their adventures. We are in the process of writing Pony Express information books as well.
Exciting Read-Alouds!

Our mini pony craft

Everyone is enjoying the new themed books and reading partners love reading together. 
Sharing a good book!
Reading from the Stablemates series

We like funny books!
 During word work times we can be found building and writing words, editing sentences, and adding correct end marks.
Building words

Editing sentences
Choosing end marks for sentences
Read a sentence, Match to a picture
We are wrapping up our How-To writing and our last writing activity included introductions to our books - don't they look great?!
Creative titles
Introductions to our How-Tos

 In science we concluded our focus on plants by working collaboratively to learn and write about the life cycle of our chosen plant. 
We chose an acorn growing to an oak tree
We picked the watermelon life cycle
A few fun pictures include our twins competing on tooth fairy visits and an indoor recess zoo for a favorite tiger!
Tooth competition!
Recess fun
We wished a very happy birthday to Keegan this week - he was a very excited birthday boy!

It's been a fun week and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
Mrs. Dagley