Saturday, March 9, 2019

Off to the White house!

We can draw the White House!
We wrapped up our activities relating to the White House this week by watching a virtual tour of the White House rooms, seeing Lincoln's bedroom, the Oval office, and the surprising rooms holding a bowling alley and movie theater! We also used a step by step drawing page to draw the White House ourselves, and the results were impressive!
Posters of the White House
Drawing the White House was fun!
A great mentor text for writing
We worked on several How-To writing activities. We made a lego creation and wrote the steps to replicate it. We read the book, Our Library which was full of instructional mini books that the characters read to solve the problem of their library closing down. This was followed by writing a mini book of our own telling how to do something. Finally we began a cookbook recipe How-To. We shared some Friday and will complete next week. 

In science we chose a plant to study in order to learn about its habitat, what it needs to survive, and its plant parts. The kids worked in partners or small groups to read about their plant and report on it.
The Lobster Claw plant

The Venus Fly Trap plant
A cozy study spot
 Topic 10 in math has been completed and topic 11 introduces
 subtraction with 2 digit numbers. Using the 100 chart, 
ten-rods and cubes, tens and ones mats for 
vertical subtraction, and our own strategies 'in our head' 
are some of the ways we are solving them.

We leave the Arctic and Antarctic behind and are now setting up 
our class library with a western theme. Loads of new books and series will be introduced as well as books on famous Americans
(Sacajawea, Lewis & Clark). 

This has been 2 busy weeks of fitting in assessments around our day to day teaching, but it is exciting to see the progress everyone has made! Report cards will go home on Friday.

We wished a Happy Birthday to Darby - it's great to be 7!

Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Dagley