Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Pilgrims are coming

Our 'newspaper' accounts of Squanto

Our library area with a Mayflower model
As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we have been learning about the history and context of this holiday. We began by learning about this 'New World' that the Pilgrims set sail for. Who was living here, what did the land look like when they arrived, and who helped them survive after their terrible first winter? Squanto had an integral part in helping the Pilgrims in hunting, fishing, and planting crops, and  since he could speak English (after sailing to England) he was their negotiator/translator with the Wampanoag tribe. After reading several texts about Squanto, the kids were inspired by his life full of adventures and hardships and wrote their own 'newspaper' accounts detailing his life. What terrific writing!

Have you met Squanto?
Exciting texts
We have also begun our Adventures of a Pilgrim booklet. We are writing from the point of view of a Pilgrim child and are describing our feelings about traveling to a new land, living aboard ship for weeks and weeks, and deciding what items we will pack. Next we wrote about working in Plymouth - all the jobs that need to be done, even by children! Next week we will complete this booklet.

Indoor recess on the cold or snowy days continues to be a creative time as kids build legos, castles, tinker toys, play school, set up animals and car tracks - great chance for socializing and sharing ideas and toys.
Lego time
Assembling a castle

A 'wow' show and tell - deer antlers!
Our question in science this week was, "How can we communicate with someone far away without using sound?" After watching a MysteryScience episode, everyone got in partners to make their own code of an action to perform based on the color their flashlight  shone through. Flashlights are great fun on their own, but using them to communicate to their friend, and watching their friend respond with the corresponding action was extra fun!
Choosing colors and actions
"You have to spin if I shine red"
Sending a message
O.K., what am I communicating?!

Shut the lights off!
Let's get ready to send a message!
We have had a couple of short weeks and next week will be the same. We will have a half day Wednesday and be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. Never the less, we have a lot of activities planned. The one the kids are looking forward to the most is our Thanksgiving dioramas. We will begin that Monday. We are all set for shoeboxes - no need to send any more and thank you to those who sent extras!

We will also take the Math benchmark test covering topics 1-4 and will complete our Pilgrim writing booklet. Grades close next week and we will have Parent Conferences on December 5th. An online sign up will follow. No homework next week due to the short week.

Enjoy the first snow!
Mrs. Dagley