Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving dioramas
Everyone was so creative this week as they made their Thanksgiving scenes in shoeboxes! Clay food and animals, paper people and houses, a Mayflower ship, camp fires, and so many other unique touches made this a very engaging activity. 
Precise cutting
Adding some clay animals
Ta Da!
Look inside!

Our Adventures of a Pilgrim writing

Bird's eye view!

 I hope you enjoy reading their Adventures of a Pilgrim booklet as much as I did - they were so industrious describing sailing for the New World, working hard to make a home, and sharing a first Thanksgiving feast. Writing from the point of view of a Pilgrim child was lots of fun!
Here are some Pilgrims and Native Americans to add to our classroom time line:
Guess who?!

Pilgrim friends
Part of our display
Grades closed today and report cards will go home next Friday. I sent a note home about signing up for conferences on December 5th on our online site. I also emailed everyone. If you have any questions feel free to call or email. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Dagley