Saturday, December 9, 2017

Brrr, it's getting cold outside!


The seasons are changing, snow is on the way, and animals as well as people prepare for winter. This week we learned about animals that migrate, hibernate, or adapt to winter conditions. The hallway display shows an animal they chose and tells a fact about what they do in winter. We read several great non fiction texts and completed a little paper booklet to read and color.

In our science focus of light and sound, we turned our attention to ways that sound and light energy are used to communicate. Viewing slides and animations of ambulances, fire trucks, light houses, and  a 'career kid' video game designer gave us some examples of how important sound and light energy are to communicate information. We followed up by planning and designing our own video games - what challenges will we include, what will the final goal be, who or what will be our character? They had so much enthusiasm during this project!
Creating our video game ideas
Awesome ideas!

Let's add sound for this part!

It's all planned out!

A few ideas!

Reading how animals such as dolphins communicate, even 
under water, was a great chance to partner up, read to each other, and discuss.
Reading buddies!
I'll read to you, you read to me!

Dolphins are cool!
We've got this covered!

 We've been practicing reading and spelling words with the suffix 's' added to them and have made word families with words such as 'all' during our Fundations phonics time.
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I hope you had the chance to read your child's collection of personal narrative writing! Isn't it fun to see all their ideas and what is important to them? Lots of hard work went into their collections.
So proud!
Look at this writing!

Favorite pages

We loved reading them all again!

What a collection!

It's that time of year again when all our many versions of The Gingerbread Man make an appearance. We have been comparing and contrasting as we read each one and are getting ready to make our own gingerbread houses soon!
Just a few of many!

Every year the first grade classrooms invite family in to decorate a gingerbread cookie or mini house. Our class will be decorating gingerbread houses, and any donations you could contribute in the way of graham crackers, frosting, and mini candies would be appreciated! I will be sending a note home as well, but I plan on decorating gingerbread houses on 
Wednesday, December 20 at 9:00 AM. Any family member (parent, grandparent, or aunt/uncle) is welcome to stop by, help set up the supplies and help with the decorating. If a family member is unable to come, an older sibling can come down from upstairs if you wish. It is always fun, and the room smells so sweet!

We wished two boys a Happy Birthday this week. Happy birthday to Caleb, and Happy Birthday to Jaylyn!

I loved having the chance to meet and talk with you at parent conferences - thanks for coming out!

Happy shoveling,
Mrs. Dagley