Thursday, September 3, 2020

Welcome new first graders!


Look for our classroom door!

Our first day of school is coming up, and you might like to know what the classroom door looks like when you walk down the hall. Our room is way down almost to the end of the hall. It has my name on the wooden apple beside the door, and the door has animals all around the tree. I will be looking for you as you arrive! Other teachers will be along the hall to help you find your room- no worries! You will also notice some fun stickers on the floor of the halls. There are arrows showing which side of the hallway to walk down or back on. Maybe you have seen arrows in a supermarket- this is the same idea so I know you will be experts!

Here is a peek at our classroom! Don't you love how sunny it is? You get to have your very own desk in first grade!! There is a drawer in your desk where we can store your laptop while we are doing other things. On top of your desk you have a name tag, a cute pencil cup with pencils, a glue stick, a whiteboard marker, an eraser, and scissors. There is a little crayon box too, a math 'toolbox', a book bag, and a lanyard to put your mask onto during snack, lunch, or recess. 

These are all for you!

Are you wondering what you will do when you first walk in the door? You will take your backpack right to your seat and hang it on the chair. Then you will find a little container of playdoh sitting on your desk ready to play with as your friends arrive. You can call out, "Hi _____" as your friends come in. You can also say hello to Mrs. Swerk who will be in our class too. She remembers all of you! When everyone has arrived, we will check in with our classmates at home. They will be all logged in and ready to say "Hi" too! 

Fancy teacher station
How will I see my school friends at home? Right here on this brand new, big monitor! It might take a little getting used to and we may have to practice using laptops and sites, but we can do it! If you are having trouble in school logging on, I will help you. What does Pete the Cat say when he is frustrated? "It's all good!" Let's take his advice!

Our hands-free hand sanitizer station

Anytime you need to use hand sanitizer, you can use this new one that the sign is on. It's ok if you bring your own too- the small ones that clip to a backpack would make the process even easier and faster. 

Did you have a fun summer? I did! This is one of the places I went to- I think I will miss it! Do you have any pets? I have 2 cats, Shadow and Ginger. Here is a picture of Shadow:
Sorry I don't have a picture of Ginger today!

It will be so much fun to get to know you this year. I am excited to see you in class and online!
Bye for now!
Mrs. Dagley