Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Will you be my Valentine?!
 Valentine's Day has given us a lot of fun this week- the kids can spell the word with a song we have, they delivered cards all week into decorated bags, they made a mini valentine and a big lace valentine, and they enjoyed a couple of valentine stories!
Let's get lace doilies
Red, pink, or white?
Let's write a message on the back!
Our mom's will love these!
made with love!
So pretty!
Decorating just right!
Lots of pink and red clothes! 

The highlight of the week was spilling all their valentines onto
their desk and looking at all their treasure. Calls across the room of 'Thank you!' and 'Oh look!' and even some hugs of thanks were filling the room. 

Look what I got!

A class full of excitement!
Whistle lips!

Thank you!
I can't believe so many Valentines!

Looking at cards with friends
I like this one!
Of course there was still time for learning amid the excitement- in science we have been thrilled to observe that our sunflower plants are growing! First a little sprout, some even with the seed shell still clinging on, then a taller stem, and finally little leaves. Most of these went home Friday. 
Reading about a plant growing
We laughed along with Tacky when we read a funny book Three Cheers for Tacky, and we had a fun look at story problems and solutions as well as perseverance  when we read The Penguin Who Hated the Cold. The Secret Life of Squirrels was a second book in a series that features photos of squirrels who look like they are doing everything people do (having been trained to come close to the sets). This one was a Valentine theme. 
BINGO sight word game
Starfall computer center
Long and short vowels center
Letter card work

Singing the continents
 During social studies, we have focused on cardinal directions and bodies of land (continents) and water (oceans). The kids love singing the continent song to practice naming them!

Nice work on the Polar animal booklet- now we can place arctic and antarctic animals on a map. A fun page in our map booklet was identifying continents by animals that were pictured on each - a lion in Africa, a kangaroo in Australia, a toucan in South America and so forth.
Nice work!

Indoor recess is such a fun time to connect with each other - here are some castle engineers!

Kings of the castle!

 Well, February vacation is here - time to refresh and enjoy some family time. Hopefully when we return, spring won't seem to be so far away!

Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Dagley