Saturday, January 18, 2020

Brrr! There's a chill in the air!

The Northern Lights painting
Last weekend's sixty degree weather seems like a dream compared to today's ten degrees, but we are heading to even colder places in school - the Arctic! We've enjoyed videos of the Northern Lights, arctic animals, and arctic landscapes, and had a couple of chances to paint both. Orienting our location on maps and globes compared to that of the arctic has also brought to our attention that we have a state within the arctic circle- Alaska!
Our painted arctic scene
Fun painting together!

I'm starting with the ocean!
Painting is relaxing!
Let's paint the walrus
Have you painted the orca whale?
Best effort!

Look- a Narwhal!

Captivating true story!
Our Arctic scene!

Everyone loved hearing the true story of Balto, the Alaskan sled dog who saved the town of Nome, Alaska in 1929 from a terrible sickness, by getting medication to them by dog sled team. We saw a photo of the statue of Balto in Central Park NY, and we saw a video of Dog Mushing (dog sleds). We will learn a bit more about Alaska next week.

Remember road maps that people used to have to store in the car before GPS and Waze? Had to dig around to find a few, but the kids loved pouring over the routes and spreading them out in all their glory! They carried over the map excitement by spending recess putting together a USA map too!
Map builders!

A National Park map
You looked at these in a car?!!
 Our readers love that they can read such a variety of books at this point in the year. We especially like reading to the class!
A favorite book!
Thanks for reading to us!
I read a Snowy Owl flies at 50 mph!

Listen to this story!
 A read-aloud we all connected to was Night of the Pufflings, a true story about children in Iceland who stay out at night when baby Puffins take their first flight to sea. Many confuse the lights of the town with moonlight reflected on the ocean, and they crash land in the town instead. Kids to the rescue! They search at night and take the pufflings back home until the next day when they launch them into the air and out to sea!

Love the Puffins!

 Silent E or King Ed make a daily appearance- here are some friends transforming words with the power of King Ed! 
tap to tape

glob to globe
 In language Arts centers we also work with silent e words as well 
sit to site

as other phonics activities such as ABC order (of arctic animals of course), suffix s, digraphs of th, sh, ch, and more.
Silent e work

More silent e work!

ABC order

Silent e vs. no silent e

Nice math matching too!
We worked in math groups this week to match analog clocks to digital times and to words describing the time such as one thirty, half past, and o'clock. 
Nice teamwork!
Determining the match
We did it!
Nice organization!
Anyone need a repair? I had a good helper when a screw came loose in one of our stools! We also had some good builders at recess!
Future engineers!
We switched out the screw driver for an Allen wrench!
 Finally we ended our week reading about a famous American leader - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We read several texts describing his life from childhood to adult, his work for equality for all people, his influence on changing unfair laws, and his passion to lead with peace and justice. We also watched the video of Kid President telling about him. Next week we will read about Ruby Bridges, the little first grader who was first to go to an all white school. We made Doves to symbolize peace and discussed ways we could follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream that all people are created equal and valued.
Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.
No school on Monday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 
If anyone has cream cheese type containers we could use them for an upcoming igloo project (I have been saving for a while but need a few more).
Try and stay warm this weekend!
Mrs. Dagley