Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sailing, Sailing, Sailing Across the Sea

Painting a scene of Columbus' voyage
  We learned about Christopher Columbus, the famous explorer who sailed the 'Great Western Sea' to attempt a new way to the Indies but who, in the process discovered a whole new land instead. He set off an age of exploration to the Americas and braved the huge ocean on his journeys. The kids had fun singing a poem about him, water painting the voyage, and learning about the perils of travel through the books we read and the maps we explored. 
Love being artistic!
Painting is always relaxing!
Lots of concentration
Just a little green for the land

Our Columbus poem
We continued to explore shapes
Finishing touches
in our geometry math unit this week. We practiced dividing shapes into quarters, we arranged quarters of shapes into designs, made pictures with pattern blocks, and played Any Way You Slice It, which involved making hexagons from a variety of other shapes. Composing and decomposing shapes has been very hands-on. We also took a look at analog clocks, how they could be divided in half for a half hour, and what the short and long hands of a clock represent. 
Pattern block designs
Designs with quarters of squares
Any Way You Slice It
Let's make a picture

My design!

5 In A Row adding
Wait 'til you see mine!

Solving a story problem
Math notebook recordings

Lights, camera, action! Everyone has now performed our Jump In skit! The kids improved their reading fluency and expression as they practiced for it, and then all had their important moment when they performed! 
We are ready!
We rocked it!
Show time!
We're ready!
We're up!
 During phonics this week we introduced the digraphs /sh/, /ch/, and /th/. Reading The H Brothers was a fun way to introduce them. 
Our digraph book

PALS phonics

Making words
Finding sight words in poems

 Fall is here, pumpkins are everywhere, and we had fun making our own. We've also had lots of friends bring in signs of fall after recess- colorful leaves being a favorite. Our prize box has a few fall themed prizes, and our library area is now displaying fall themed books as well as animals from the woods around us. 
Football season!
Woodland animals
A favorite- wolves!
Cutting a pumpkin
Adding a pumpkin face
Leaves from recess

Vampire prize!

Ready to display my pumpkin!
 We wished a Happy Birthday to Jayden this week and sang the tooth song to Cori and Ivy. It was great seeing you at Open House. Your kids loved showing off their favorites in the room! They are very proud of their hallway display in the hall as well! 

Have a nice long weekend,
Mrs. Dagely