Friday, August 30, 2019

Off to a great start!

All smiles!

First week success!
Lots of anticipation accompanied the first day of school, but now after only three days the kids seem to have settled right in. Desks are set up, new friendships are forming, and familiarity with the room and our activities is growing. 

We've even celebrated two birthdays. Happy birthday to Cori and to Nathaniel! They loved the class singing to them on their special day. Several more birthdays are coming in September.

We have explored Rekenreks (number racks) this week during math. They have also explored math manipulatives, pattern blocks, solid wood blocks, and worked with ten frames. Working on writing numbers has been another focus.
Showing numbers with the Rekenrek

Exploring pattern blocks

Working with ten frames
Look what we made together!

Team work with wood blocks

Sorting and counting
Exploring with blocks

Showing the class our skills
Writing numbers
We have had opportunities to buddy read with books from our class library and to read independently from leveled books. 
Colorful non fiction readers
Reading a couple pages to the class
Nice reading, girls!
I read it!
Buddy reading!
Comfy reading chairs too!

Reading nook
I like this series
Reading is fun with friends

 Snack time and a quick recess break is always popular too just for a little down time!
Ready for snack

Snack break
Mmm my favorite!
We all have our own playdough

Cute animals

Fun with friends

Dino land
Our library theme has books about the rainforest, so we had to get out the maps and globes to learn about it. That led to some water paint fun... 
Blue for the ocean!

Painting N. America and S. America

Just the right amount of water
I like painting!

Artists at work
Taking our time

Nice job!
 In science we are learning about sound energy and sound waves. More fun to follow with that next week. It has been an active week full of firsts and we all will benefit from the holiday weekend! See you next week for a 4 day week and have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Dagley

P.S. I went overboard on the pictures so here a few more photos to enjoy;
Practicing our grouping
Letter writing with whiteboards
What do you have there?!

I'm having fun!
Nice reading spot!
Enjoying a good book!
I read the whole book!

Let's read together!

Number writing
Pattern blocks

Building designers
Look at the organization!

10 frame fun

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Big Day is coming!

Summer delights!

Can't wait to see your smiles!
Hope your summer has been full of sun and fun! 🌞 Now it's time for some new adventures in your first grade classroom. I hope you can stop by on the day before school for a little visit in room 115. I will be there to meet you on...
 August 26th from 2:30-3:00. 

If you have been out doing a bit of school shopping, you can bring your supplies in on that date and set up your desk. You can also find your locker and mailbox, see your classmates, and say 'Hi' to me. Stopping by and setting up helps everyone feel a little more relaxed and prepared, so I hope to see you!

Keep on enjoying the summer fun, and we will look forward to a year of learning, exploring, and making new friends!

 I am mailing out an invitation to this Meet and Greet so be on the lookout for the mail. The room is almost ready to go and only missing one very special thing... YOU!

See you soon,
Mrs. Dagley