Saturday, January 26, 2019

It's alive!

Writing about a living thing
The kids are terrific at identifying the needs that all living things have. From flowers and exotic plants such as the Venus Fly Trap, to birds, bugs, reptiles, fish, and animals, the kids have learned how these needs are met. Next week we move specifically into plants, their structures and functions (parts and uses) and will be researching and comparing several plants and flowers. The sunflower seeds that we planted last week surprised us yesterday by beginning to sprout!

Meanwhile back in the arctic we created chalk pictures of the Northern Lights - using chalk is a new experience! We also made the igloos by gluing squares of fun foam all around a container. It really needed the finishing touch of sparkling snow so...the glitter made an appearance. Beautiful! But traces will remain in the classroom for a long time to come!
Our own igloos!
Nice construction!
Little polar animals too!

Chalk is a fun tool!

The Northern Lights

We read three tests this week that supported our Persuasive writing activities. We learned that powerful reasons may result in getting what we want (I Wanna Iguana,) or in compromising (I Wanna New Room). Other times, we change our minds on what we think we want as the character did in I Wanna Go Home. 
I got it!
I compromised!
I changed my mind!

The kids are putting together a small collection of persuasive letters which you will be bombarded with when we complete this unit! Their desires have ranged from asking to go to museums, amusement parks, or outdoor spaces for camping, to more ambitious destinations such as Disney, California, or Seattle. They have requested play dates, pets, family game nights, restaurants, guitar lessons, toys, and more! Here are a few examples (click to enlarge):

Will you say yes?

Are there strong reasons?
Pretty Please?!

It was a very exciting week for our class as we were invited to be the audience for the play Vacation on Mars. Three of our classmates were on stage acting and singing with Actory Factory. It was a great show and especially fun to clap for our classmates!

Next week, Kindness Week theme begins. There will be a note about dressing up in daily themes and the kids will build awareness in school all week of ways to show kindness. On Wednesday during recess our class will go down to the office hall to make crafts or cards for Kindness Week. They are looking for parent volunteers to help at each station for any day or all days of the week.. If interested, give the office a call.

We are also welcoming some basketball players from the middle school basketball team. They are coming to read to the first grade classes and stay for a follow up activity.

We completed Topic 8, did well on the test, and are preparing for the second Benchmark Test next week.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Dagley