Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Farewell and Congratulations!

Ready to leap into summer
Oh it is so hard to say goodbye! The kids had a lot of different emotions today - sadness at leaving first grade behind, excitement about meeting their new second grade teachers, and anticipation for summer adventures. They handled everything beautifully and came back from their Move Up visits full of enthusiasm and happy to see some new friends in the new classes.

We continued working on coins right up until the very end as you can see in these math games:
Count the coins and let the cat out of the bag to see the answer1

Coin BINGO with piggy banks
Fair's Fare making a quarter game

Around the amusement park

We celebrated our summer birthdays too!
Happy early birthday!

Our final Reader's Theater
performance was a success- they have loved acting out and reading scripts!

The Three Little Pigs

Singing all our poems from this trimester brought back lots of memories too. I love hearing them sing away!
Sing, sing, sing!
Finally we had some outdoor fun together!
Hey, BFF!

Catch that ball

Twirl those hula hoops!
Cool guys!

Dig for gold!
Throw the ball!

True friends!

Girls rule!
Nothin' but net!

Let's play!
What a wonderful class - so many memories and friendships, and fun activities to remember! It's been a privilege to teach and love your little ones this year. I hope they come back to read to my class next year and pop in to say hi.

A huge thank you to all of our parents for your support in helping your children thrive!

Have a wonderful, restful, safe, and exciting summer!
Mrs. Dagley

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters!

Counting coins- real ones!
We are sorting, counting, and singing about coins every day as we work in our last math topic of the year. Watching 'Counting Coins' by Number Rock on Youtube to help in identifying, naming the value, and counting the coins is a favorite activity. Hope we don't go to a cashless society just yet, because learning and playing with coins has been fun! 
Who doesn't love a bowl of coins?
Math coin center

We also took our end of the year math test - congratulations everyone on great results! We worked in partners to practice: 
Practicing math
Reviewing for the math test
 Our science activities on the Earth's rotation, day and night, seasonal changes, the moon, sun, and stars has wrapped up. We made a model of the moon, earth, and sun that shows the rotation of the moon and earth and the orbit around the sun. I am very proud of them for the reading booklet they completed with partners. Each partner group read a short selection on of the above topics, discussed, and decided together which facts to highlight that told about their reading. That was sent home along with their earned Apollo 11 badge!
Cool model!
I can spin the earth and orbit the moon around it
Here goes the earth orbiting the sun!
We had two guest readers in the last couple of weeks - Mrs. Turck who read some funny read-alouds, and Mr. Turner our school Psychologist who read a chapter book about Lucy the dog to us.
Fun read-alouds!
Sight words in a castle shape
Thank you Mr. Turner!
Safety tips after reading Officer Buckle and Gloria
  Two read -alouds we recently enjoyed were The Littlest      Matryoshka, a story about  hand carved nesting dolls (I        brought in my own set!), and Officer Buckle and Gloria.

 We sent home our Jack and the Beanstalk plants this week - they grew so fast! The timing was perfect for attending the Actory Factory show with the same title.
They grew!
The beanstalk is through the castle!
Time to plant at home!
We loved the musical of Jack and the Beanstalk!

 So the pompom jar was filled, the unanimous request was to make slime...I put it off as long as possible because I've never made it and was afraid of a Big Fail! Too sticky? Too dry? (Huge mess??). Well we did make it, but first I asked one of the boy's big sisters to come down from 5th grade and help - I needed at least one expert that has done this before. It really did end up to be a fun activity!
We made red slime!
Thank you Big Sister!!
Blue goo for us!
Squish it, pull it, stretch it!

Big smiles with this activity!
Purple slime!!
 Yesterday we all cheered the high school seniors as they paraded down the hall, and then...Surprise! Some of the senior girls who once sat in this classroom with me as first graders came to our class. 
An emotional moment!
Thank you everyone who was able to come to the Celebration of Learning. The first grade space themed display looked great with their stars, astronauts, and collection of impressive writing. The mini concert they did in the cafeteria was excellent - what little performers we have!! For those unable to make it, the Poetry writing collection has been sent home, and they could give a private concert - they know the songs so well!

Have a wonderful weekend - we still have a few busy days ahead!

Mrs. Dagley

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Ready, Set, Go!

Team Yellow!

The sun was out, the kids were pumped, and the contests began! Everyone had a very busy and active day racing in potato sacks, playing ring toss, bouncing on huge balls, balancing piles of pizza boxes, playing skee-ball, racing with beach gear, balancing eggs, using toes to find marbles in a mud pool, and playing water games! That isn't even everything they played as you'll see in the photos below. Let's not forget the DJ dancing, face painting, water coloring in the room, and popsicles!

Let's get wet!
Car wash fun, and we are the cars!

Through the water sprays!
Moods were great the entire day - everyone participated in everything and had the stamina to keep on going!
Time for some mud!!
Ah, mud rinsed off!
Spray us!
Fund a marble!
This feels yucky!

Got a marble!

Run with an egg!
Look at that mud!

There is a technique to this!
Teams ready to race

Almost there!
Great balance!

You made it!
Don't let it fall!

Hold on!

 Great team work from everyone too! Every leader at each station commented on how great our group was!
I've got this!
Easy for me!
Easy does it!

Place it carefully!

Hopping fast

Moving right along

Hurry, hurry!

Pretty good at this!
I'm on the go!
Here I go!

What a work out!
Team work!

Big steps together
Nice rhythm
Just a walk in the park!
Here we come!
 The ring toss was something everyone loved and our class did great at getting the rings on the chair legs!
Give it a toss!

Aim for the chair leg

How many do we have now?
We got a class total of 33!

Put the chicken in the pot!
Grab a chicken and run!
Carry it with 2 sticks
Kind of a slippery chicken!
Get that chicken!

Bounce away!
Almost there!


Get to the white line!

Moving right along!
Go, go, go!
Off we go
A long field to bounce in!
Racing along!
 Now it's time for some beach fun - packing up all the gear, running across the grass with it and setting it all up at the other end!
Don't drop anything!
So this is what my parents do when we go to the beach!

Let's set it all up
Now to get it all back

Ah, relaxing at the beach
A day at the beach
So much gear!

I ned some help here!
I got it all!
A little 'sunscreen'
I'm loaded with stuff!

Now into the gym for a few contests - skee-ball and pizza delivery!
Will I get 10, 20, or 30 points!

Take aim!
Give it a good roll!

Pizza delivery time

Stack it carefully!

Time to deliver
Pass them off

I won't drop them!

Racing along
Another pizza please

Can I see over this?
Good thing the boxes are empty
Not another one!

Can you take this?
A breeze for me

We can do it
It's getting taller

Who is on the other side?!
It's getting tough

Where am I going/!


Hire that kid!

Are these all for me?!
 Back outside for some more water games - this time it's hotter and we are too - ready for some wet fun!
Pass the water bowl over
You splashed me!
I'm getting wet!
Fill up the leaky pipes

Close up the leaks

Carry it to the bucket
It's spilling everywhere

Dump it in the bucket

Here we come

Team work
Plug up the leaks
We're losing water!

Pour it in
DJ and face painting ahead... but first a popsicle break!

What color pop did you eat?!

Showing our moves!
Hold on!

Line up
 Now back to the room for some playtime, water painting, and a movie to wind down.
We made a village

Water painted crowns
What a day! 
'Nuf said,

Mrs. Dagley