Saturday, June 23, 2018

Coins, stars, and pizza!

Ready to move on to second grade!
It may have been the last full week of school, but it was a busy one! We have been immersed in identifying the names and values of coins, learning about stars and constellations, and having a fun break with a pizza party. Thank you to everyone who sent in boxtops - we won! The pizza from Brick House was great, and everyone loved eating together in class.
Thank you!

Great lunch

Just like a restaurant

Bring on the pizza!

Using money to sort, play games with, and count has been a big focus this week. Involving your kids in counting coins and in telling time to the hour and half hour would be great every day experiences for them to keep up the new concepts they are learning.
Add coins to win a ride on the ferris wheel

I'm almost to the ferris wheel

You tube coin chants
Working with coins

Perfect opportunity to bring in a quarter collection!

Graphing coins

Reading a coin book

I hope everyone gets a chance to stay up late once in a while this summer so they can look up at the night sky. The kids feel pretty confident that they can identify the Big Dipper, and then follow an imaginary line to see the North Star. They also could get a chance to see the moon in different phases.
Making the Big Dipper appear!

I see it!
More Big Dipper projects
Reader's Theater continued with our talented actors and actresses.
This week they performed Puss In Boots, Little Red Cap,
 and The Ugly Duckling.
Puss In Boots

The Ugly Duckling
Little Red Cap

I read a chapter book to the class over a couple of days, and I was so impressed at how rapt their attention was for a book with very few pictures. It is a Newbury Award winner written a long time ago and is called, My Father's Dragon.
Exciting and whimsical story

As the year comes to a close, we are writing a keepsake writing sample to attach to one they did in September, along with a self portrait from September and June. It is truly amazing to see the growth that occurred this year. That will come home on Tuesday. Here they are writing:
Showing off my progress!
Wait til you see my writing!
Of course reading skills have also blossomed this year. The kids were excited to be the 'scientist' and read aloud selections about the moon, sun, and stars. Then questions would be asked of the audience with a sticker reward. Great reading and great comprehension!

Scientist lesson!
Who knows the answer?!

Listen up everybody!

let me teach you...
Everyone read along with me!

Listen to the scientist!
I know all about space!
We have had a few fashion statements with friends surprising themselves when they walk in the door with the same cute outfit. Here's one now.
Pretty as a picture!
I'd like to take this chance to thank the other teachers in our room that have been part of your kid's lives this year. Mrs. Cappiello and Mrs. Mosher always have looked out for everyone, lent a helping hand, a listening ear, and a kind welcome. Many hands make light work, and I appreciate all they contributed to helping the classroom run smoothly and for sharing their skill and love with the kids. As they say, ' Couldn't have done it without you!' Thank you!

It's crazy busy but also fun. We have the Moving Up Day on Tuesday when the kids will visit their second grade classroom. I will add a few Last Day photos and friendship pictures next week to wrap up. In the meantime, enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Dagley

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Our Celebration of Learning display
 What a fun night we all had on Thursday! It was a treat to hear the first graders sing, and the appreciation of their poetry collection was evident as families perused the table that show cased their hard work. They had fun seeing their friends as well. Thanks for coming!

Our class display
We continued to learn about stars this week, specifically constellations. Everyone wrote a page of facts about stars and then created the big dipper with sticker stars. Next week, we will use flashlights and paper templates of this constellation to try out some class room star gazing ourselves.
The Big Dipper
Another space shirt!

Love you to the moon and back, cards

Happy Father's Day
Two friends had a great time reading aloud for us - great fluency and expression! Another group performed the Reader's Theater play, Rumpelstiltskin. We were so impressed by the animation that they put into it!
Partner performance!
Reader's Theater
 We continue to love our read-alouds, and this week we read The Littlest Matryoshka. It featured a set of nesting dolls shipped to America from Russia and followed the adventure of the tiniest one when she was lost from the others. Bringing in my own sets was a fun sight for everyone. 
We laughed aloud when reading Spoon - who makes up a story about a spoon anyway?! It was actually a great lesson in being happy that we are ourselves, and not someone else (spoon wished he was a fork, knife, or chopsticks until he learned how unique he was himself). 
We also read The Important Thing by Margaret Wise Brown and followed up by writing our own example inspired by hers.
Such a cool set

I'm glad I'm me
We will send home our related writing soon
Next Thursday we are looking forward to the Pizza Party! Our class collected the most boxtops (almost 900!) so are treated to a pizza lunch.

What a beautiful, sunny weekend - hope you enjoy every minute. Happy Father's Day to the dads and grand dads too!

Mrs. Dagley

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Field Day Fun!

Team Yellow!

I know everyone will sleep like a log tonight - a full day of field events has got to bring an early bedtime tonight! We had perfect weather for all the field events, the D.J. dancing, the popsicle treats, and the water games. It was also nice to come in near the end of the day and water paint while watching the animated movie Balto (especially since we read the book this winter!). 

Before all the pictures from field day, I will mention that we sang Happy Birthday to Colin on Monday! Another Reader's Theater play was performed, and we made a fun project about phases of the moon. 
The pattern of the phases

Moon posters
Even a matching t-shirt!

What great work!

We learned about the closest star to earth this week - the Sun! Next week we will move on to stars.

Rapunzel Play
Our water painted crowns!
So now for the field day photos... everyone had so much fun and there was a lot of team work and excitement. Click on a photo to enlarge the gallery. Enjoy the pictures and have a nice weekend!
Mrs. Dagley
Leaky Pipe game

D.J. dance time

Fill the bucket

Pour in the water

All together now

Fill up the leaky pipe
Team work cooperation

Pass the water bowl
Good time to get wet!

We can do this!
Pizza Delivery

Stack those boxes

Careful now!

Pass them off

Hold on tight

Good balance!

Here I come

Oh boy, this is tricky!

Beach gear game

A day at the beach
This is the life

Just chillin'

Get the gear packed!

Fill the beach bag!
No problem carrying all this!

Beach toys to pack up
This is a lot of gear!

Off to the beach

How am I going to carry all this?
Hurry, hurry!

Tortoise race

This shell is a bit awkward!
Turtles really do this?!

Go, turtle, go!

Steady wins the race
Will I ever get there?

Being a turtle is hard work!

Get some food, turtle

Hurry to the food

Almost there

Set the pace
Hippity Hop game
Bounce away!
Off the ground!
Favorite color too!
Two way street

Harder than it looks!

Giant leaps
This is fun!

Chop stick chicken!

Run with the chicken
Don't drop the chicken!

Put the chicken in the pot

There's a technique to this

Racing with the chicken
I've got this!
Off with the chicken

Ring toss challenge
Bring me that chicken!

Ready for a go

I got one!

Potato sack race!
Team work

Step together

Are you ready?

Step right in

C'mon partner!

Hold on!

Nothing to it!

I'm off!
Left, right

I can do it!
Race to finish

This is a work out!
Give it all you've got!

On your mark, get set, go!

Hop, hop, hop

Here I go!
On my way!
Lego My Eggo
Balance the egg
Race on!
Around the cone and back

Here we come

Running fast

On the home stretch
Egg expert

Mud pool
Find the marbles

Car wash time
Piggy toes

I'm getting wet!


Ready for the car wash
scooter or car - we all get wet

I'm soaked!
Ah, water feels good
Lovin' it
Lining up for a car wash
All washed!

 You can see why they might be tired! What a fantastic day for everyone. Thanks you to Mrs. Woodard who organized the entire day and every grade level!